Our Partner Organizations

Better Together is dedicated to helping people help themselves. We empower them to find employment and provide a loving, safe and supportive foundation for their children.

Through two equally amazing programs — Better Families and Better Jobs — this organization helps empower people to take control of their lives and strengthen their family structure. From providing temporary housing to hosting Job Fairs, Better Together is bringing the hope and love of Jesus to our world!

Get Involved: Better Together always needs host families, family advocates, mentors, and Job Coaches.

CareBag’s vision is a country where all have access to proper hygiene, where communities see the importance of human rights for all.

First Church partnered with CareBag in 2023 to help make the dignity shower ministry a reality when they generously granted us use of their mobile shower unit. But CareBag does so much more for the community here in St. Lucie County. They exist to provide access of proper hygiene to those in need for wellness in our community.

Get Involved: donate time and resources to help CareBag bring the right of proper hygiene to all in need.

Deep Time Coffee Exists to employ, celebrate and create a spiritual community with people impacted by incarceration.

Each moment of engagement and exchange happening through this mission widens a circle of kinship, and offers a glimpse of kin-do hope for our neighbors whose back are against the wall.

God offers Deep Time, Not Hard Time.

We proudly serve Deep Time Coffee at our services as an ongoing commitment to justice for all persons. Born in Asheville, NC, Deep Time has been helping reverse the stigma of incarceration and restore lives of those who have served time.

Get Involved: Buy some coffee! You won’t regret it!

​In response to God’s Love and in the scriptural spirit of hospitality, the purpose of Sarah’s Kitchen is to welcome and provide hot nutritious meals to those in our community who are hungry and struggling financially.

Sarah’s Kitchen serves meals across St. Lucie County and has seen a dramatic rise in need over the past several years. First Church is grateful for their work in our community and is resourcing Sarah’s Kitchen with fresh food from the community Garden. Sarah’s Kitchen could always use more volunteers.

How To help: Volunteers are the heart of Sarah's Kitchen.  Want to become involved?  We are always looking for people who are willing to volunteer one day a month.  We have opportunities to serve Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at one of our Soup Kitchens or with our Homeless Feeding Team.

Mustard Seed Ministries gives hope and help to individuals and families during hardship or crisis, meeting the spiritual and material needs of the “Whole Person & Family”

First Church is one of the founding churches of Mustard Seed Ministries and has been given a wonderful opportunity to watch them transform lives.

Get Involved: Mustard Seed needs volunteers in their food pantry, thrift stores, garden, and doing general maintenance. For a full list of needs check out the link below!